When we have a Goal, Dream, or Vision if it is worth ANYTHING; it will come laced with a dash of fear and doubt. That is to say, your vision is big enough, important enough and divine enough for you to look at it, stand in awe of it and feel fear. However, we cannot let that dash of fear and sprinkle of doubt taint the taste of our goals. This is the moment when we need a refreshing mouthful of Courage, to cleanse of palate and soul of fear.
WE are human; many of us are in early development of the great spirited beings that we will soon come to be. But for this moment, what will you do right now when the pressure of the goal is weighting upon you? Let me paint you a picture; consider an artist with a huge canvas to fill. Think about Michaelangelo painting the Sistine chapel. Now that is a HUGE vision, I haven’t had the chance to see it yet but even for a great artist of the highest calibre as Michaelangelo clearly was the 2,000 square feet murial he was commisioned to paint would have been a challenge. BUT whether you are painting at miniature canvas OR a gargantuan chapel you can only work at it one section at a time; - smaller than that even – a finger, a torso, or leaf at time. Do justice to those minute parts as once assembled, with time, you would have created a piece of Art and you have walked through fear, one step at a time. Acts of courage start with a single step. Understanding the dream, honouring THAT moment and taking that step in faith beats fear.
Let me give you another mental image – Driving through a country lane at night, you can only see as far as your light points but you can get from destination A – B, no matter how long or short your journey, just using your light. When you step through fear enough times you build up a mental image that you are someone of courage, fearless and with purpose but that can only occur…..(lets say it together) one step at a time!
So what will be your step today? Ask yourself each morning and then just do it!

for L
Edited: Lei McClean
Loved it, so poignant and so true...
I hope I'm not the only one reading this blog!
So true...
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