Enjoy and sign up......go on it's a bite size digestable piece of food for thought: http://www.innerspace.org.uk/thought_for_today.asp?is=6388

Move On
See beyond immediate circumstances. Clear the decks of any old grievances. Learn from the past and move on by tapping into your inner resources of self-worth and humility. With honesty and commitment, softly let go and let others change. There are new horizons, new growth and a new lease of life.
Give & Take
Whatever you give comes back to you. Whatever you take will not stay with you.
Clean and Tidy
The most important places to keep clean and tidy are my mind and heart. If I allow thoughts to flourish that I wouldn't want to see the light of day, I can never have any real self-respect. By starting each day in quiet reflection and pouring positive, loving thoughts into my mind, I gradually clean out cynicism and unkindness.
Big Heart
Be quick to forgive any form of insult, and slow to forget the importance of a big heart.
Calmly Observe
If you calmly observe, you will more clearly see situations for what they really are.
Opportunities are never lost - someone will take the ones that you miss!
The Flow
Everything that comes to us, comes to pass or, more accurately, for us to pass on. Not just the money in our pocket, but wisdom, objects, ideas, even opportunities, all come to us, so that, at the right moment, we can pass them on. This is called flow. Being in the flow means being aware that the river of life is flowing to us at every moment. Being in the flow means accepting whatever comes and putting it to good use, before passing it on. Going with the flow means allowing whatever comes to move on freely, without holding on to it in any way.
When the mind is quiet, its whole angle of vision changes. From pouncing on the problems, it begins to perceive the chances, the good things in life.
A Solution
Problems are simply challenges waiting for solutions to meet them. The two are partners. Think with resolve that a solution will present itself and it usually will.
This Moment
If I fill this moment with happiness and peace, it will increase the chances of the next moment being like that also.
If you spend all your time thinking about what happened to you yesterday, then your experience and enjoyment of today will be that much less.
Contentment is a great strength. It comes when a person lives in honesty and simplicity. Contentment means we have overcome useless desires. It is said that you can discern a person's truth from their level of contentment.
When I learn to respect myself, other people will respect me. How can I develop respect for myself? By keeping my mind positive and encouraging myself to grow and change for the better. Demanding respect because of my position or background is simply arrogance. On the other hand, listening with humility and valuing other people's advice naturally earns me respect. I get back exactly what I give out.
Inner Space – London’s meditation and self development centre
At Inner Space we feel being relaxed, recharged and refreshed are fundamental to our well-being and individual success. That’s why we offer a wide variety of activities on-site and at other locations. Our courses and talks serve as an introduction to personal growth and spirituality in daily life. After all, we’re London’s oasis of calm and insight.
If you visit us at Inner Space, Covent Garden, you’ll be able to explore the bookshop, visit the quiet room and/or do a course.
36 Shorts Gardens | Covent Garden | London | WC2H 9AB | England
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