Friday, 17 August 2007

A Storm in Life’s Teacup


Life has a funny way of giving us what we need just when we need it, though most of the time we do not realise it or want to accept it. It is my belief that we are sometimes guarded from this realisation because like in the Matrix, if Neo had known he was “The One” his actions would have altered and he wouldn't have done the things he needed to have done. So he was told what he needed to be told to get him where he needed to be, to do the things he was created to do which was to serve the universe. Remember we are all part of a master plan and so the lesson I am currently learning myself is Acceptance. Accepting that what I think is currently a “bad or unfavourable” situation maybe just where I need to be. How you feel right now maybe just how you need to feel. Of course, the storm that you are in maybe one of your own making. However there is no point beating yourself up about it, we must try not to do this because if we truly knew a better way to have handled the situation, surely most of us would do have chosen the better way. The trick is Accepting responsibility for your actions and Accepting the consequences with a view never to have to be taught the same lesson twice.

The thing is, when we don’t Accept but resist the situation, the experience, the lesson; we spend energy pushing, struggling, and fighting. A good visual is being stuck in quicksand, the more we push, and struggle and resist the quicker we sink! Instead, I believe that when we are at the heart of the storm, this is when we should become still. Oprah or Iyanla, one of the two ladies, who have given me good words over the years, said, “we should ask the storm what lessons we have to learn to move on”. Now, it might seem strange that I (they) say ask the storm but if you think about it is not. Roman’s 8:28 tells us that “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan”.

So have you considered that you are exactly in the place you are supposed to be right now? That in order for you to be the person you are going to be, that you must go through this trial or walk this particular road. That you, being who you are, cannot get to where you need to go by any other route. Why so painful you may ask? Well, that is a conversation for another day but remember all of life journeys are fraught with bumps and obstacles at sometime or another and in this you are not unique. And so if you are exactly where you need to be right now, bearing in mind that it is all of it is part of a bigger plan, then God must have permitted the storm to come our way because it brings with it a lesson. As Oppie says “There is something we need to know that we do not know”. Which if we listen and seek to learn the truth we will walk away from the storm stronger, wiser bolder and more complete.

Why not stop resisting and ask for clarity of mind, honesty of heart and a reduction in ego. So that you can truly see what the problem is all the while remembering that after a storm there will be new growth, a change, an calm, an peace. That, Valerie, is life with all it’s trials and victories but still we persist because joy cometh in the morning


Wise Words:

Do not deny what you feel. But keep in the back of your mind that it will pass.
-Iyanla Vanzant

Only by acceptance of the past, can you alter it.
-T.S. Eliot

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
-Nathaniel Branden

Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
-Reinhold Neibuhr

In our lives there is bound to come some pain, surely as there are storms and falling rain; just believe that the one who holds the storms will bring the sun.

His anger lasts only a moment. His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may last for the night, but there is a song of joy in the morning
Psalm 30:5

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